A Journey into Language and Literature

More on the practice IO and paper 2

Originally for

Constructing an author's universe

Although we are still discussing Langston Hughes poems, particularly This Puzzles Me, The Black Man Speaks, Negro Mother, Words Like Freedom, Ballad of Negro History, Goodbye Christ, The Christmas Story, Lumumba's Grave, and Final Call, we have begun to select our other poet for paper 2 and practice IO. For paper 2, I selected 15 poems from Philip Larkin, a British poet with more emphasis on the working class of Britain, and I will be compiling and creating an "author's universe" for Langston Hughes on December 2 of this week. For the practice Individual Oral however, I worked with Yesha and we picked Percy Shelley. Percy Shelley is a romantic era poet who discusses the beauty of nature. My initial suggestion for the global issue was the progression of technology and the deterioration of nature, but when we suggested that we were told that we have to revise our global issue. However, despite that, analysing the poems of Langston Hughes honed my ability to analyse other poets' work by using the choices of the author to infer meaning. I also finally sat down to update the portfolio again...